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slave in France

The REAL thing .. a young slave agrees to submit unconditionally and totally to an older Master. r
This story has truly happened, JUST as it is told! In the eastern part of France, Master Mark owns a country house. It is situated at some distance of a small village, and the only other houses nearby are holiday homes for families that rarely make any use of them. Master Mark’s domain is therefore a secluded, isolated place, where He can experiment with his slaves undisturbed and without much need to be secretive.r
Master Mark is a middle aged man with a burgundy life style, so He has a rather big bear belly and cannot be called a hunk . But His cock is big and hard, and what’s more important: His perverted fantasy makes Him the ideal Master for any young slave boy that enjoys being abused in as many different ways as possible. Soon after Master Mark moved to this country house, he has begun to make His preferences known via a number of chat and advertisement sites.r
Master Mark prefers His boys to be under 25, slim and hairless. For the rest He has few demands, as long as His boys submit totally and unconditionally to His wishes and desires. He does NOT like to play all sorts of role plays, meant to pretend domination and submission: He wants a boy to come over to his house, surrender to whatever it is that Master Mark wants him to do and undergo, and then leave again whenever Master Mark thinks it’s time for him to leave. Even if this means that Master Mark is completely satisfied, but NOTHING has been done about the sexual arousal of the slave boy, Master Mark expects His boy to leave without any protest or hesitation. He may apply again for another abuse, when Master Mark feels like abusing him again, NOT sooner. According to Master Mark, ALL other arrangements for slaves and masters are fake. r
After an ad on some of the chat forums for gay and submissive boys, Master Mark received an application message from Jimmy. Jimmy is a gay boy with submissive fantasies, but without any experience at all. He is 22 years old and he lives about three hours away from Master Mark’s mansion. As He always does, Master Mark sends one of His standard slave contract forms to Jimmy, with an order to either sign it unmodified OR forget about the whole thing. Here’s what the contract says: r
Application Formr
First name:ttttJimmyr
Date of Birth:tttt25 May 1985r
Place of Birth:ttttxxxxxxr
Sexual orientation:tttGayr
Length:ttttt1,80 m.r
Weight:ttttt65 kgr
Body shape:ttttathletic / thin / normal / muscular r
Length of penis:ttt19 cmsr
Thickness of penis:ttt4 cmsr
Special body features:tttpiercings / ball size / curved penis / other .r
Shoe size:tttt43r
Colour of hair:ttttblackr
Colour of eyes:ttttbrownr
Breast hair:tttta lot / a normal growth / a few / none / shavenr
Belly hair:tttta lot / a normal growth / a few / none / shavenr
Hair on arms:tttta lot / a normal growth / a few / none / shavenr
Hair on legs:tttta lot / a normal growth / a few / none / shavenr
Pubic hair:tttta lot / a normal growth / a few / none / shavenr
Pain Threshold:ttttextremely low / low / medium / high / extremely highr
Sexual availability:tttanal / oral / manual / allr
Maximum amount of orgasms per day:t6r
Contract of Voluntary Servituder
I, the undersigned, slave Jimmy , bind myself totally and completely, without limit, to the complete servitude to the holder of this Contract, hereinafter known as MASTER MARK. I state that, to me, no compensation is needed for the rights and duties described in this contract.r
I certify that I am now 21 years old and that I am not physically or mentally impaired by influence of drugs or alcohol. I also certify there is no other reason that could possibly implicate a signing of this contract against my free will. I am legally and mentally competent to sign this contract in my own name. I am signing this document of my own free will, without coercion or pressure of any kind. No one has made any promises, guarantees, warranties, threats or inducements of any kind or exerted pressure on me to sign this Contract as a fair deal of rights and obligations, even without any compensations.r
With full understanding of the meanings and implications of this Contract, I specifically desire and request the changes of common rights and duties as described in this contract. I specifically desire and request Master Mark to be able and allowed to force me to follow orders, to obey commands and to submit to His wishes and desires. He may, with this previous full consent of me, use any means at His disposal without any other limits than the ones described.r
I understand the French constitution prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude. Nevertheless, for my own purposes, I desire to play the role of a slave as fully, completely and realistically as possible. I am signing this Contract in an attempt to realize that status. I specifically request the courts, the law and government not to interfere. I consider any attempt by an outside authority to limit Master Mark’s rights as described in this Contract to be an unwarranted interference with my constitutional legal right to freedom. I am of legal age and I am legally an adult who knows what he is doing. I specifically want this. In the strongest language, I request the government not to protect me from the consequences of this decision.r
I give up any and all rights of any kind and description, except those specifically outlined in this document. I specifically waive any and all protection in law or equity, any constitutional rights or protections, and any other rule or regulation that would in any way prevent Master Mark from having total control over every aspect of my life, body and mind.r
I desire to be placed in a position where I CANNOT change my mind. Recognizing that a government may not allow a totally irrevocable contract, no matter how much I may want one, I agree to the following clause, which, while making this Contract unbreakable, makes it difficult to break.r
This Contract is irrevocable except as provided for in this paragraph only. First, it can be cancelled at any time, without penalty, by mutual consent. If Master Mark does not give consent, Master Mark has the right to force performance in a court of law or equity or by use of physical means as outlined above. Second, it may be unilaterally cancelled by Master Mark at any time, with or without reason. r
Master Mark has total and complete control in every area. Except for the limitations outlined below, I agree to obey Master Mark completely, willingly, and to the best of my ability, at all times and in every way. I hereby totally submit to Master Mark without limit and without reservation. I specifically request and authorize Master Mark to use force to compel my obedience, and I specifically request and authorize Master Mark to ignore anything I may say or do that might in any way be considered a refusal or retraction on my part. By way of illustrating Master Mark’s control – but not to limit it in any way – I delineate the following subset of Master Mark’s rights, privileges, prerogatives and abilities:r
Geographical Limitsr
Master Mark has the right to limit my movements: to decide where I live, work, play, etc. Master Mark has the exclusive right to dictate my whereabouts at all times. Master Mark has the right to exercise this prerogative by physically confining or binding me in any means Master Mark desires, with no limitations on time or method. I understand that if restrained, the restraints are REAL and that I will NOT be able to get free until Master Mark desires to release me. r
Master Mark has the exclusive right to dictate every aspect of my dress: to decide what, if anything, I am to wear, when and for how long. Master Mark agrees not to subject me to arrest for indecent exposure, but Master Mark’s judgment will govern in all circumstances. Master Mark has the right to inspect me at any time and in any situation.r
Tattoos, Piercing, Body Art, Brandingr
Master Mark has the exclusive right to dictate what, if any, body piercings, tattoos, scars, brandings or other body art modifications I will receive. Master Mark agrees to have these modifications made by professionals trained in the specific areas concerned. Master Mark agrees to hear and consider slave Mark’s opinions on style, type, size, placement, etc of any tattoos, brandings, piercings or other body art but Master Mark shall have exclusive and unlimited authority to make the final choice.r
Eating and Sleepingr
Master Mark will provide slave Mark with sufficient periods of rest and sleep in order to remain in good health. Master Mark agrees to allow slave Mark to consume a healthy and balanced nutritional diet under normal circumstances. However, Master Mark has the exclusive right to dictate the place, time, manner and conditions of slave Mark’s eating, sleeping and drinking. In addition, Master Mark has the right to dictate what I eat or drink, when I eat or drink it and in what way I eat or drink it. r
If Master Mark should wish to starve or deprive me of my food or drink during a set period of time, within the role and duties of my slavery, he is free to do so until the point where further starvation or thirst will do irrevocable damage to my health.r
The following are binding limitations on the otherwise unconditional nature of my service and Master Mark’s control over me. Except for the limits in this section, there are none. Master Mark is in complete control and I hereby authorize and request Master Mark to treat me as if I were HIS own property and to apply any painful, harmful or helpful treatment that he would legally be free to apply to himself. r
Medical Condition Limitationr
If I develop a medical condition, such as allergy, diabetes, that dictates inclusion or exclusion of certain food and drink, specific exercise regimens, scheduled medications, etc., Master Mark agrees to abide by the limits of diet, exercise, etc., as required to live with the condition.r
Drug Limitationsr
I agree, under the strictest penalties, not to use drugs in any form whatsoever except for: a) over the counter medications administered or on orders of Master Mark and b) medicines prescribed by a doctor. Master Mark agrees to allow me to take prescribed medications on schedule.r
Tobacco Limitationsr
I agree never to use tobacco while under Master Mark’s ownership. Violation of this will result in serious punishment.r
Alcohol Limitationsr
Master Mark will not allow me ÔÇô but MAY force me – to use alcohol. He may bring me into establishments that allow drinking or order me to serve Him and His friends’ drinks. If I am to use alcohol, it will be only under Master Mark’s directions as to time, place, extent, type and method.r
Sex Limitationsr
I understand that I will engage in homosexual sex at Master Mark’s desire and direction. I agree to do so fully, completely, willingly, and to the best of my ability. Master Mark will tell me where, when, and with whom and what sexual activities to undertake. Master Mark may also forbid me to engage in sexual activities with one other than Him. Such activities may include fetish, sadomasochistic, multi-person and other activities considered by some to be deviant. Except at Master Mark’s direction, I agree to refrain totally from all sexual activity of every kind and description, including self-gratification. Master Mark may also forbid me from engaging in any sexual activity of any kind for extended periods of time. I agree to fully obey all of these limitations if and when they are imposed and for however long they be imposed.r
Master Mark will not expose me to unsafe sexual activity. I too will NEVER expose myself to any activity which could conceivably expose me to HIV or other STDs. Such unauthorized potential exposure would obviously be unsafe and could seriously damage the Master Mark’s property and as such, would be a SERIOUS offence and would result in the most serious disciplinary consequences.r
Master Mark may order me to perform physical duties on HIS behalf and may hire out my labour without compensation of any kind to me.r
I agree to serve diligently, completely and to the best of my ability at all times. All money received for any of my work shall be in the control of Master Mark. I serve under this Contract without compensation or wages.r
It is understood however that any earnings I make during my slavery shall be transferred to Master Mark and shall become His property.r
Health and Fitnessr
I agree, at Master Mark’s direction, to submit to every form of examination by health care professionals, fitness experts and others Master Mark deems desirable. I agree to submit to any treatment or course of regime Master Mark orders.r
Master Mark may enforce His orders by physical, corporal punishment or various types of reward and discouragement. I understand that, as one method of discipline, pain will be inflicted upon me. I understand the pain will be REAL. It WILL hurt, may leave temporary marks on my body and may bruise. Master Mark may enforce HIS orders by physical force: in short, by MAKING me to do what He wants done. Master Mark may apply corporal punishment and/or force either for a lapse in my behaviour, for his enjoyment, amusement and gratification. Master Mark agrees never to seriously or permanently damage or injure me and to avoid any method of use or discipline that will result in a considerable spilling of blood.r
Holding Harmlessr
I submit to this Contract and to the treatment hereunder entirely of my own free will and volition and for my own reasons. I enter into this Contract solely and entirely at my own risk. I, for myself, my heirs, my assigns, and all other parties of any description, hereby agree to hold harmless, and release from all liability of any kind, Master Mark and other participants in these activities.r
Assignment of Propertyr
By signing this Contract, I transfer control, but not ownership, of all of my property, real, personal, tangible, and intangible to Master Mark for the duration of this contract. Upon termination of this Contract, Master Mark agrees to return to me the property and moneys that will be handed over to him upon signing.r
Power of Attorneyr
By my signature below, I grant Master Mark unlimited Power of Attorney to turn to His own use and advantage all my services and capabilities; to give consent to medical and other treatment: to execute contracts of any sort in my name; to effect and enforce all rights, privileges and conditions of this Contract; and to do anything in my name which I could lawfully do without exception or limitation. I desire that Master Mark be free to exercise this Power of Attorney without any conditions, bonds, oversight, restraint or interference of any kind. r
Model’s Releaser
I hereby execute an unconditional, unlimited, irrevocable, assignable, Model’s Release in favour of Master Mark covering all pictures, films, video audio, public performances and recordings of me of any kind, whether true to life or manipulated in any fashion. I waive all rights to inspect the products before or after use and waive my claims for embarrassment or mental distress specifically and all other claims of any sort generally. r
Other Provisions: Severability; Assignabilityr
This statement not withstanding, I specifically desire none, or at least the minimum amount of government interference in this Contract. If any part of this Contract is held to be invalid, the remainder stands as written and the invalid part is changed as slightly as possible to give Master Mark as much latitude and as many rights and privileges as possible. In similar fashion, in any disagreement of interpretation, Master Mark’s desire shall prevail.r
This Contract may be broken ONLY by:r
1)tMutual consentr
2)tConsent of Master Mark at any timer
3) Upon clear violation by Master Mark of limits on His authority as listed abover
Master Mark may choose to sell me, slave .. , at any given time at his own discretion. Should Master Mark desire to sell me, he may do so but he requires my consent if the duration of the servitude would be extended by the sales. He will NOT need my consent in the choice of my new Master. I as slave Mark am obliged to agree to such a sale and to continue to live up to the conditions of this Contract, performing the same duties and similarly obeying order of another Master. Once the sale in completed, I as slave Jimmy, agree that I will then be the property of this new owner and that ALL provisions of this Contract will remain fully in effect.r
I have read this Contract and have no questions. There are no other provisions. r
Slave .. :________________________________________________________r
Slave .. ’s printed name: Slave …..r
When Jimmy reads the contract, he first hesitates: it’s like signing all his rights and properties away! But Jimmy gets excited from the thought of REALLY being in Master Mark’s power. For some time now he has been fantasizing about slavery. And although his own desires frighten him from time to time, he now knows he wants to experience submission to another man more than anything else. Even as a young boy he has always felt that he got aroused when the television news reported about boys and girls that have been abducted and abused. He then hid his excitement, of course, but he read all articles about people like Marc Dutroux and other child abusers! And while reading, he always had a hard on!r
And now here’s a man that gives him a choice: either to submit to His commands voluntarily and completely, OR to forget about the whole thing. After two days of hesitation, Jimmy fills in the application form and the contract and mails it all to Master Mark. After five days of nervous waiting, he gets the following note:r
Get to the address below on the evening of September 1st, at 23:00 sharp. Follow the driving instructions precisely. Park your car where you’re told and undress. Totally. Get out of your car naked and ring my doorbell. Then kneel down and wait. If you’re not there at the given time or if you haven’t obeyed my orders, you’re out! The date is only three days later, and during all three days Jimmy hesitates, worries and is not sure that he’ll be courageous enough to follow up on the invitation. But all the time his excitement and his fantasies do their work, and on the evening of the 1st of September Jimmy drives through the dark countryside of France on his way to his first sadomasochist experience ..r
Jimmy is an athletic, black boy with a beautifully shaped body. He shaves his body hair, all the way from his head to his toes, but he’s already kind of smooth to begin with. Yet he likes to be TOTALLY smooth and bald. Jimmy’s torso is strong and well defined. Even dressed in his jeans and t-shirt he gets many men very excited when they look at his physique. With his 22 years he can be called the average gay man’s wet dream ..r
As Jimmy gets to the village of Master Mark, he drives slowly to follow the instructions, and soon he finds the narrow alley that leads up to Master Mark’s country house, almost a mile further. As he get away from the village it gets very dark, and when finally the house becomes visible, Jimmy realizes that this place is really secluded, isolated and private. A bit nervous, but already excited, he parks his little car and begins to unbuckle his jeans. He kicks out his shoes and he takes off his shirt and shoves his jeans down, then he takes off his briefs and his socks. He is now stark naked, and his penis is already half erect with excitement in spite of his nerves! Jimmy takes a deep breath, checks the dash board clock to verify it is exactly eleven p.m., and then he gets out of the safety of the car and walks to the front door of the dark and blinded house. He pushes the door bell and kneels down on the hard cold cobble stones ..r
..curious about what happened next? Let me know!…..r

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