
Does it ever happen to you, that you get bored with things as they are? You know, the I’ve-done-this-before-and-so-what feeling? I get that way, and need to look for something new to excite me; so …

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In the woods

Late August we went to spend some weeks in the Alps with all the family. The panorama was idyllic: rocky mountains, luxuriant woods, meadows and pastures studded by crystal lakes. We walked many hours every …

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Harem girl

She paddled slowly across the large pool and slid silently next to a beautiful Japanese girl and introduced herself, “Hello, my name’s Delilah, but everyone calls me Dee, I’m pretty new here, and just wondered …

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The visit

The sounding buzzer on his intercom caused a frown to cross Sumner Holton’s face as he was wading through a series of depositions on a case he was preparing for trial the next day! He …

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Girl Friday

Well, I’m happy to see that your shorthand and typing skills are up to snuff, Miss Egan, now how are you on a computer, ” asked the interviewer!?! “Very good, ” Melanie replied, “I’ve had …

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The Dancer

“Okay now, ” Bonnie asked for the last time, “you got everything under control!?! ” “Uh, yeah, ” he replied, “I’ve got the boom box, the CD’s, my wardrobe, and the address, I think that’s …

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Molly was sitting in the fourth row and trying to act interested while Professor Dixon droned on about the rules of search and seizure! He was just starting to explain how the fourth amendment came …

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